In this Easter Sermon, Pastor Zack turns our attention to the topic of suffering and hardships and where we are to find our hope by looking to Asaph’s Psalm of lament in Psalm 77. In this Psalm, we see Asaph crying out to God in deep despair in the first 9 verses, followed by a shift in verse 10 as the Psalmist changes the object of his meditation. He transition from a preoccupation on Himself and His problems to a fixation on His God and His marvelous character and mighty acts. As the Psalmist closes the Psalm in the last few verses, he anchors his soul to the pinnacle of God’s redemptive work in the Old Testament — the Exodus. Pastor Zack concludes by drawing us to anchor our souls on the pinnacle of God’s redemptive work in the history of the world — the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.