In this sermon, Pastor Zack reminds us about the biblical nature and role of the two ordained offices of the church — the Pastor-Elder and the Deacon — prior to ordaining two men to these offices.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack reminds us about the biblical nature and role of the two ordained offices of the church — the Pastor-Elder and the Deacon — prior to ordaining two men to these offices.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack describes what the biblical offices of Elder and Deacon are, why they matter, and how they’re chosen. As our church enters into a new season of receiving recommendations from the congregation for new elders and deacons to help lead and serve our congregation, Pastor Zack takes us to 1 Timothy […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of 1 Thessalonians by looking at 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13. In these verses, Paul considers the leadership of the Gospel community known as the local church. In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at the task of the pastor-elders as well as the congregation’s response to and attitude toward […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study in the book of Judges by looking at the rise and demise of King Abimelech in Judges 9. As Abimelech, the concubine-born son of Gideon (Jerubbaal), assumes the kingship in Shechem, we see Israel’s ruin come from within — from among their own. After considering the narrative […]
In this final message from the study of the book of Hebrews, Pastor Kevin draws our attention to a summary of the Christian life. In these final verses, there are 3 things the writer of Hebrews uses to summarize our lives as Christians — Sacrificial living, submission to leadership, and the strength that God provides […]
In this final message from the book of Nehemiah, Pastor Kevin reminds us that our battle with sin and the challenges of the Christian life do not diminish with age or time. From chapter 13, Nehemiah — who is now 70 years old — shows us what perseverance looks like as he battles sin and […]
In this message, Pastor Kevin presents the fourth of several messages from Nehemiah 8-13 on the topic of revival. From this fourth message, Revival Leads to Ministry, we discover that when God’s Word becomes central (Nehemiah 8), and confession of sin is being made (Nehemiah 9), and there is a deepening commitment and surrender of […]
In this message, Pastor Kevin presents the third of several messages from Nehemiah 8-13 on the topic of revival. From this third message, Revival Leads to Rededication, we discover that when God’s Word becomes central (Nehemiah 8), and confession of sin is being made (Nehemiah 9), it leads to a deepening commitment and surrender of […]
In this message, Pastor Kevin presents the second of several messages from Nehemiah 8-13 on the topic of revival. From this second message, Revival Leads to Confession, we discover that confession is the second thing that happens when God revives His people. From Nehemiah 9 we discover what it looks like when God’s people are honest and transparent before God about their sin.
In this message, Pastor Kevin presents the first of several messages from Nehemiah 8-13 on the topic of revival. In this first message, from Nehemiah 8, he reminds us of what revival is and who God revives. From the chapter, Pastor Kevin presents 5 things that happen when God revives His people. Below is an outline to help you follow along with […]