In this sermon, Pastor Zack reminds us about the biblical nature and role of the two ordained offices of the church — the Pastor-Elder and the Deacon — prior to ordaining two men to these offices.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack reminds us about the biblical nature and role of the two ordained offices of the church — the Pastor-Elder and the Deacon — prior to ordaining two men to these offices.
In this final sermon in our series on the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, Pastor Zack looks to Hebrews 1 to help us see the sufficiency of God’s Word for all of life, and how the sufficiency of God’s revelation is tied to the sufficiency of Christ’s redemption.
In this special service Pastor Zack, and the members of GBC, have the joy of completing the process of ordaining 3 men to the office of Elder & Deacon. The new Elders are Matt Leff and Dylan Wagoner, and the new Deacon is Galen Morris.
In this final message from the study of the book of Hebrews, Pastor Kevin draws our attention to a summary of the Christian life. In these final verses, there are 3 things the writer of Hebrews uses to summarize our lives as Christians — Sacrificial living, submission to leadership, and the strength that God provides […]
In this concluding message from Hebrews 13:1-14, Pastor Kevin draws our attention to the final two exhortations found in vs. 7-14 — Follow the example of those who have led you to Christ and devote yourself to Christ supremely. Not only are these exhortations the practical outworking of all that we have learned from the […]
In this message, which is the first of two sermons from Hebrews 13:1-14, Pastor Kevin focuses our attention on the exhortations from the concluding chapter in the book of Hebrews. From this message, you will learn about the first 3 of 5 priorities that the writer of Hebrews is reminding us of as Christians — […]
In this sermon, Pastor Kevin reminds us that God, whom we are told “has spoken” (Hebrews 1:1-2) earlier in the letter, now at the end of the letter “is speaking” (Hebrews 12:25-29). What He has said to us, through His Son, is God’s final word to the world. As this passage reveals to us, how we respond […]
In this sermon, Pastor Kevin helps us see why the writer of Hebrews used two mountains — Mount Sinai and Mount Zion — to contrast the differences between the Old and the New Covenant. These two mountains are ultimately a contrast and comparison of what a person experiences when they are confronted with God’s Law […]
In this sermon, Pastor Kevin shows us how important it is for us to see the connection of this passage to the previous verses in Hebrews 12:1-11. In the previous verses, the writer tell us, individually, to run the race looking to Jesus as God individually disciplines us and trains us for this race. But […]
In this message, Pastor Kevin explores the topic of discipline. Though we often only think of discipline as something that results from a sin or disobedience in our lives, we discover from these verses that it isn’t always the result of those things. In fact, the Father’s loving discipline becomes a proof that we truly […]