In this sermon, our worship Pastor Matt Leff continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at Romans 15:14-21
In this sermon, our worship Pastor Matt Leff continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at Romans 15:14-21
In this sermon, Matt Leff, our worship pastor, continues our verse-by-verse study of Pau’s letter to the Romans by looking at Romans 7:1-6 and how we who are in Christ are free from the Law.
In this sermon, one of our Pastor-Elders, Matt Leff, continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by introducing a new section in the book and leading us to consider the glorious truth of our justification by faith alone.
In this sermon, one of our Pastor-Elders, Matt Leff, continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at Romans 1:8-13 and the Gospel plan for the capital of the world.
In this sermon, worship Pastor Matt Leff, helps us understand why this moment in the life of Jesus was His darkest hours. As Matt unfolds this passage you will be encouraged to see how this darkest hour in Jesus’ life provided the greatest hope for those who would believe on Jesus for salvation. As Matt […]
In this sermon, by Matt Leff, he draws our attention to this familiar passage of the transfiguration of Jesus. As he does, he points out that this was a life changing moment, not just in the life of the disciples who were there, but a moment that would forever change the course of redemptive history.
In this message, Matt Leff (Director of Music @ GBC), continues the Sunday morning study in the Gospel of Mark. As Matt draws our attention to our passage he asks us to consider, “Why is Jesus so interested in sinners?” He answers that question by looking at the life of Matthew, the main character in […]