In this special service Pastor Zack, and the members of GBC, have the joy of completing the process of ordaining 3 men to the office of Elder & Deacon. The new Elders are Matt Leff and Dylan Wagoner, and the new Deacon is Galen Morris.
In this special service Pastor Zack, and the members of GBC, have the joy of completing the process of ordaining 3 men to the office of Elder & Deacon. The new Elders are Matt Leff and Dylan Wagoner, and the new Deacon is Galen Morris.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack draws our attention to the doctrine of the incarnation and its theological and practical importance for our lives and our salvation. By looking at Galatians 4:4-5, Pastor Zack helps us to see that the Incarnation of Jesus was according to God’s sovereign plan for our salvation and absolutely indispensable for […]
In this sermon, missionary Matt Tyler, draws us to consider the unique and surprising call of being a disciple of Jesus. He masterfully reminds us that though there is a cost to discipleship, there is a glorious outcome for those who choose to be a disciple of Jesus.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks to Ephesians 2:8-9 and the acronym PROOF to remind us of God’s lavish, incredible, free, and wonderful grace shown to us in Christ. As we understand better God’s planned, resurrecting, outrageous, overcoming, and forever grace, we more fully understand the gravity of Paul’s words in Ephesians 2 and our […]
In this sermon, Dylan Wagoner, a member of Grace Bible Church asks this question, “What does it mean to be saved by grace?” As he works his way through these verses it becomes clear why it is grace alone that can save us, and what difference that makes in our lives.
Church Planter Stephen Wess describes God’s call on his life to plant a Church in Reno, Nevada. From 3 John Stephen helps see what it means to partner with truth and the planting of a local Church in Reno!
In this Easter sermon, Pastor Zack draws our attention to 1 Peter 1:3-5 to consider the Living Hope we have because of our resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Through these three verses, Pastor Zack helps us think about the basis for our living hope, the future expression of our living hope, and the present […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack draws our attention to a familiar passage — The Triumphal Entry in Matthew 21:1-11 — on this Palm Sunday. In this sermon, Zack examines the nature of this King Jesus in that He is the rightful king, the victorious king, the messianic king, the gentle king, and the eternal king!
In this sermon, Pastor Zack describes what the biblical offices of Elder and Deacon are, why they matter, and how they’re chosen. As our church enters into a new season of receiving recommendations from the congregation for new elders and deacons to help lead and serve our congregation, Pastor Zack takes us to 1 Timothy […]
In this sermon, Steve Townsend walks us through the topic of the fear of the Lord. He clarifies what this is and is not, and reminds us that when we fear the Lord we will fear nothing else, but if we don’t fear the Lord we will fear everything. In fact, it is the single […]