In this final sermon in our series on the doctrine of Sola Scriptura, Pastor Zack looks to Hebrews 1 to help us see the sufficiency of God’s Word for all of life, and how the sufficiency of God’s revelation is tied to the sufficiency of Christ’s redemption.
In this sermon, Steve Townsend looks at Isaiah 9 and the promise of the coming Messiah and shows us how Jesus, the perfect God-man who took on flesh in the incarnation, is the fulfillment of this promise for us.
In this sermon, one of our Pastor-Elders, Dylan Wagoner, continues our Christmas series on the doctrine of Sola Scriptura by examining the inerrancy of God’s Word.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our Christmas series studying the doctrine of “Sola Scriptura.” In this second sermon, Pastor Zack looks at the authority and the power of God’s Word, and how that should encourage us in our commitment and devotion to God’s Word
In this sermon, Pastor Zack begins our Christmas sermon series studying the doctrine of Sola Scriptura. In this first message, Pastor Zack introduces us to this precious doctrine that the Reformers, as well as so many saints before and since, have held to.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at the final section in chapter 2. In these verses, Paul reminds us not to rely on any external religious ritual — including that of circumcision — for our salvation. Rather, our salvation is by faith alone, in […]
In this sermon, Steve Townsend continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at Paul’s condemnation of the religious, hypocritical Jew in Romans 2:17-24
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues in our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at Romans 2:12-16. In these verses, we are faced with the question about what happens to those who do not have access to God’s Word, or to the Law? In walking through this text, we see Paul […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at a difficult and often-debated passage in Romans. As we seek to understand these verses, we must keep the twin truths in mind, found throughout God’s Word, that we are saved by grace and grace alone, and that […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of Paul’s letter to the Romans by looking at his warning of judgment to the deceived, hypocritical, religious moralist in the first passage of Romans chapter 2.