In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at Amos 7:1-17 as we enter into the final section of the book of Amos. In this section, Amos presents a series of visions, and in this sermon Pastor Zack looks at the first 3 of those. Through these three visions, and the dialogue between Amos and Amaziah, the […]
In this sermon, Dylan Wagoner, a member of Grace Bible Church asks this question, “What does it mean to be saved by grace?” As he works his way through these verses it becomes clear why it is grace alone that can save us, and what difference that makes in our lives.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at Amos 6:1-14 and Amos’ second woe section concerning Israel’s pride and complacency. Amos warns them — and thus God warns us today — that such prideful complacency is not in step with obedience to Him and must be warned against and repented of. In this sermon, Pastor Zack […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at Amos 5:16-27 and Amos’ warning against the danger of self-deception. The Israelites were so self-deceived with false confidence concerning their relationship with God even in the midst of their sin that they had no concept of standing as God’s enemies on that Day of Judgment. Amos pointed out […]
How important are the closing words in John’s letter? Do John’s words to this lady have any real significance? As Pastor Kevin concludes his study of 2 John he will help us see some important lessons in John’s closing words that remind this lady of things John never wants her to forget.
In this sermon, Pastor Kevin address a key question — How do you recognize a false teacher, and how do you respond to them? As you work through this passage with Pastor Kevin you will be able to learn the difference between “bad” teaching and “false” teaching, which is important to know when you are […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at Amos 4:1 – 5:15 where Amos pronounces the LORD’s condemnation on the people of Israel before offering the comforting invitation to Seek the LORD and Live! In this sermon, we’re reminded of God’s righteous judgment against sin, but also of His welcoming offer to sinners to repent of […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at Amos 3:1-15 where Amos lays out this principle that great privilege comes with great responsibility. Though the Israelities want to think they are treated differently because they are the “people of God,” Amos makes it clear that they, too, will be judged because of their sin and disobedience. […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack looks at God’s introductory judgment of Israel in Amos 2:6-16. In this passage, we see God remind them of His mighty acts of grace on their behalf, and pronounce His judgment on them because of their sinful rebellion and their sinful response to His grace. As we consider the example […]
Church Planter Stephen Wess describes God’s call on his life to plant a Church in Reno, Nevada. From 3 John Stephen helps see what it means to partner with truth and the planting of a local Church in Reno!