IMPORTANT NOTE — We apologize, but due to technical difficulties there is no audio or video of this sermon. Attached you will find the sermon outline that is filled in. If you would like Pastor Zack’s entire sermon manuscript, please email us at gbc@mygracebiblechurch or call our office @ 706-746-5823 and we will be happy […]
In this sermon, Tommie Blalock a member of GBC, continues our study in the gospel of Mark. From this passage we learn that Jesus makes it very clear, to the Pharisees and us, that our real problem is not what’s on the outside, but the inside. In this sermon, Tommie reminds us, that If we […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at two passages ending chapter 6 and beginning chapter 7. In these verses, we see Jesus’s clear divinity in display as He walks on the water, identifies Himself as the “I AM,” continues to heal miraculously, and challenges the Pharisees on their […]
As Pastor Kevin continues our study of Mark, he unpacks the familiar story of Jesus feeding the 5000. In this sermon he asked us to think about two things. Why is this miracle, which is record by all four of the Gospel writers (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) the only miracle other than the resurrection […]
In this final sermon, from the study of 3 John, Pastor Kevin reminds us that we are all image bearers — It’s part of what God created us to be. And because we are image bearers who have been affected by the fall, we need to be wise and choose the right things and people […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Mark by helping us look at what it means to be a true disciple. As he works his way through this passage, looking at the the disciples being sent out and the story of John the Baptist beheading, he reminds us that […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack draws our attention to the doctrine of the incarnation and its theological and practical importance for our lives and our salvation. By looking at Galatians 4:4-5, Pastor Zack helps us to see that the Incarnation of Jesus was according to God’s sovereign plan for our salvation and absolutely indispensable for […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Mark by drawing our attention to the devastating effect of unbelief. He reminds us that when we share the gospel we are quick to remind people of the blessing and eternal benefit of believing, but we often forget about the others side […]
As Pastor Kevin continues his series in 3 John we are introduced to the 2nd individual in this letter that John tells us about — Diotrephes. Just as John has encouraged us to “imitate” the life of Gaius, so he now warns us to not model and act like Diotrephes. Why? In short, you will […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our verse-by-verse study of the Gospel of Mark by drawing our attention to the two stories recorded by Mark — the death of Jairus’ daughter and the women who had tried everything, for twelve years, to deal with a non-stop bleeding issue. These two stories set the stage for what […]