In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at Mark 9:14-29. In this passage, as the disciples fail to drive out the demon from the possessed boy, we learn from lessons from their self-reliant failure. In learning from the failure of the disciples, and the simple faith of the boy’s […]
In this sermon Pastor Kevin continues the verse by verse study of Mark as he looks at the unique question the disciples ask — When will Elijah come? From this message you will discover how important this question is, and how it relates to the purpose of Christ coming into the world!
In this sermon, by Matt Leff, he draws our attention to this familiar passage of the transfiguration of Jesus. As he does, he points out that this was a life changing moment, not just in the life of the disciples who were there, but a moment that would forever change the course of redemptive history.
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at Mark 8:31 – 9:1 as Jesus lays out explicitly what the disciples should expect in relation to Him being the Messiah, and then what they should expect as followers of this Messiah. As we see Jesus’ teaching to the disciples, we […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at Mark 8:22-30 and Peter’s famous confession that Jesus is the Christ. As we see how the healing of the blind man and the spiritual sight of the disciples coming into clear focus relate, Pastor Zack then turns the attention to us […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at Mark 8:11-21 and Jesus’ warning to the disciples of the leaven of the Pharisees and of Herod. After examining the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees and then the spiritual dullness of the disciples, Pastor Zack helps us to apply Jesus’ warning […]
In this message, Pastor Kevin continues our study through the gospel of Mark as he looks at Jesus’ feeding the 4000. This is the second time that Mark records Jesus’ feeding of the multitudes, and leads Pastor Kevin to ask us — Why did he do it again? The answer reveals one significant and key […]
In this sermon, Pastor Zack continues our study of Mark’s Gospel by looking at Mark 7:31-37 and Jesus’ healing of the deaf and mute man. Though the story is simple and straightforward enough, Pastor Zack helps us to see the connections that Mark was also drawing to Isaiah 35 and Jesus as the promised Messiah […]
IMPORTANT NOTE — We apologize, but due to technical difficulties there is no audio or video of this sermon. Attached you will find the sermon outline that is filled in. If you would like Pastor Zack’s entire sermon manuscript, please email us at gbc@mygracebiblechurch or call our office @ 706-746-5823 and we will be happy […]
In this sermon, Tommie Blalock a member of GBC, continues our study in the gospel of Mark. From this passage we learn that Jesus makes it very clear, to the Pharisees and us, that our real problem is not what’s on the outside, but the inside. In this sermon, Tommie reminds us, that If we […]